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Ocean-based CDR, commonly referred to as marine CDR (mCDR), is a suite of methods that either amplify or accelerate the ocean's natural processes, be they biological, physical or chemical, to reduce carbon in the atmosphere and safely store it in the ocean. Examples of mCDR approaches include ocean alkalinity enhancement, artificial downwelling, electrochemical techniques, ocean fertilisation and artificial upwelling.
Beginning in October 2020 and extending through May 2021, Ocean Visions convened experts from multiple disciplines, sectors, and geographies to identify technology readiness, scaling potential, uncertainties, obstacles, opportunities, and first-order priorities around three domains of ocean-based CDR technology and two cross-cutting issues of importance.
These road maps are intended to catalyze attention and action around critical priorities to move forward the development and testing of ocean-based CDR technologies. Through these road maps, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, investors, philanthropists, and others will be able to collaborate across the globe on specific challenges and opportunities related to technology development, field testing, governance, finance, and public support for ocean-based CDR—all grounded in an evidence-based, precautionary approach.